
Freedom of expression

Today there are two things disgustish to me. I feel very sick and tired.

First, my website is blocked by Aliyun. They provide political reason, which is really ridiculous. This is a hardcore disscusion website and I never insult any people or government. Second , a user in github personal attack me for no reason. Maybe he is jealousy or just malicious? I don’t know, but I realize that build the wall is better than build a bridge.

I was working in risk management department in Baidu company, and deleted many posts using sensitive words list followed the orders of the leader. So I really know what can be talked or not. I just can’t believe they forbidden my freedom of experssion even there just hundeds of visits in my website.

The reasonable explanation is the administrator of internet or domain management department of Aliyun has fixed amount of domain to be banned. To achieve this goal, they pick some little website and ban them casually. Another possibility is that some people in my few visitors really hate my post and report it to goverment or Aliyun. Whatever, the result is my freedom of expression is deprived.

My belief is whatever who we are, our mind is freedom. The freedom of expression is sacrosanct. The reason why I create this website is to have a platform to express my thought. It’s a bascal human’s rigit, but is losing from this land.

I like Zen of Python, which said, simple is better than complex, complex is better than complicated. All we pursuing in our life is to find truth in this complicated world to make us live better. But when you think deeper, you are more closer to core values and the dominator is more afraid. That’s why I think the ceiling of China is very low. Because most people are forbidden to achieve the core value at all.

Maybe the block of my website is a simple performance of the macro mechanism. But I refuse uncertainty. We need to find a living path in uncertain world. As a programmer, my job needs me to be responsible and reliable, so does this society. If you think a member in your teams is unreliable, you can fire him. But if you think everybody in your team is unreliable, maybe you should leave this team.

Above all, if the same things come again, I won’t use any product of Aliyun any more and my website will be migrate to other cloud server. All my post will be writen in English until for my leaving this county. All valuable articles will be encrypted only for target uses.

Rights are fight for, not given.

最后更新于 2022年7月6日 by qlili

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